XSW - Xperimental Software


Xperimental Software

What is XSW?

XSW is a project covering more smaller software projects. Most of the projects are just attempts, more or less ... umm, rather more than less finalized. :) Since the author is a programmer a lot of such apps have been produced. That's why he's decided not to let them lay useless on his harddrive. That's the story of XSW.cz. Hope you'll enjoy all the apps and you'll excuse eventual bugs.

So what's available?

For readability there is a list of all sub-projects covered by xsw.cz Gradually, as more applications are ready for publication, this list will expand.


TALI is a simple, user-friendly companion for time and tasks management. The tasks can be planned regardless of time or to rough or accurate time. Tasks can be marked by coloured tags and later you will be able to filter by tags.


Pinger is a tool for network devices monitoring. Checking of single devices can be parametrized. You can also check measurement history of each device digestedly in charts.


(comming soon) Stressor is a tool for the benchmarking system performance of your PC. Now you can measure performance of CPU and memory. Other features will be added in future.After measurement you can compare values with results of other devices.

Under what license is the software offered?

All software of XSW.CZ project is under license Creative Commons.

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